
The Lies we Tell

Today I told A that I was giving her some medicine to help her eye stop hurting. When I went to the cabinet for baby Tylenol we were out, so…I mixed 2 Tablespoons of water, a pinch of sugar, and 2 drops of green food coloring in a medicine cup.

The placebo effect is real, people.

Don’t Panic…

This is a list of reasons my children came unglued at various times this morning:

  • Apple skin stuck between teeth.
  • Couldn’t find super cape (it was on his back).
  • Couldn’t find super pants (they were on the couch behind him).
  • Couldn’t find his milk (he left it on the floor in the kitchen).
  • Couldn’t get down from the couch.
  • Mom walked out of sight.
  • Wedgies.

First Birthday!

L turned 1 yesterday. She is just the cutest. We had a party with the family and the grandmas and grandpas watched over internet video. She was tentative about her cake but once she tasted it she loved it. She didn’t really open any of her presents but she liked them once they were open. After the party, we watched Annie with Carol Burnett. D danced to every song and they sang it’s a hard knock life together. Fun day!!