Montage Month

My break from blogging turned into quite the hiatus, but I’m back and the Coughanours are still living. We’ve had a few changes in how we operate around here.

First, our car has been giving us hints that we should consider it’s end of life care, so we have transitioned to a mainly bike powered family. We ride to school, to the park, to church, the store…really anywhere we want to go within 10 miles of our house. It has been great to get more exercise and get outside more often.


All of this time outside has really turned me into a rainstorm connoisseur. Warm, cold, scattered, windswept, filled with lightning, swift, heavy, or otherwise, riding in the rain can be quite the adventure.


Ross and I have spent a lot of the summer out in the field behind our house playing catch. I have never been much of a baseball player, but I’m starting to catch the ball more than I drop it. The field is edged by a wooded area and every evening both the trees and the grass are filled with fireflies. I will look back on firefly lit, games of catch with my sweetheart as the most magical moments of my life.

That brings us to our current endeavors. Ross and I have both been feeling that we need to be more proactive about achieving our goals. We have been a little lackluster and it is time to get serious and buckle down. You know how in every sports movie you have ever watched they have the ‘montage scene’? It’s the scene where the sound track gets heroic and the main characters get fit and they are focused and nothing else matters and at they end they are ready to face their Goliath and win the day!


Well, this month (starting last night) is our MONTAGE MONTH!! School starts on August 24 so until then we are going to be completely focused on our goals (we each have three) and we will do the hard work that will get us to where we want to be. Both of us have a fitness goal, a musical goal, and a German goal.


Montage Month – Day ONE


Montage Month – Typical Terrible Before Picture

I’ll keep a log of how we’re doing. When montage month is over we will be ready to fight Apollo Creed…or Apollo Creed again…or Mr. T…or a Russian…or our wayward protege…or a young guy when we are old…or maybe we’ll just train Apollo’s son, coming full circle. Here’s to DAY ONE!


Kid Quote: Fatty-Fatty-Two-Parents

During bath time tonight I was washing L and marveling over how small and perfect she is, when A brought me back to reality…

Me: Look at your teeny tiny body!

A: And look at my big body!

Me: Oh, yes. Very big.

A: And look at your biggest body!

D: Big, big, big.

A: It’s the biggest body in the whole wide world!!


A: Oh…except for daddy. He has a body like a macaroni giant!

D: With cheese!!

…dissolve into hysterics.